
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Let's try this again...

I really cannot believe that it has been over a year since my last posting. Although, I suppose it is really not that surprising considering my recent track record.

Where to begin?

I suppose in terms of the house, we have been slowly making changes and improvements. We took some time to get rid of the crazy colors and give (almost) everything a much more muted feel. Over time, more and more furniture has been brought it, finally getting a great deal of stuff out of storage and out of my parents' house.For all the time we spent weeding through our belongings prior to moving, it still seems as if we have quite a bit of stuff to find a home for. The more I stare at this stuff, the more I just want to pick out a couple things and send it all off to charity. After a while, one grows tired of seeing box upon box, tote upon tote of what makes up one's life; full of stuff that isn't really needed, but too afraid to actually get rid of. Maybe someday.

Life seemed to be moving along as normally as it could be. First came the standard poodle, which was always expected when it is "in the family." A little later brought an itty bitty kitty. The fuzzy doodle (poodles are fuzzy) and the kitty boat (what? cats boat when they pull their feet under themselves) seemed to make us just a little family.

Recently, there has been a drastic change. Over the past some time, we have been a one income household. Cameron had been spending a great deal of time looking for a new job with no real luck in sight.The end of August, however, brought a bit of good news. He was being offered a new job. But, of course, there was a twist. This new job meant moving to Alabama.

You heard me right, Alabama. From Oregon. Going from the Pacific Northwest to Gulf of the South.

Don't get me wrong. I was ecstatic to now have the extra income, excited for Cameron to have that satisfaction of getting back to work, and happy that he was being given such a great opportunity to work with this large company. However, I would be completely lying if I said that I was not exactly happy that he was leaving.

No, I wasn't going with. I was staying in Oregon. I was too scared to be the one then who didn't have a job. Also, I have been trying to work my way through a Food Science degree. Unfortunately, there are very few Food Science programs in the country, which is a really sad thing. I am completely in love with the work and the thought of having a career in the food industry. (Yes, I suppose I could of gone to culinary school and such, and maybe someday I will. Flavor chemistry was quite intriguing and I really wanted to try it.) I have a bit of time left for the degree, about 18 months or more, depending on my class load each term.

I know it is a crazy thought and I have spent a great deal of time trying to get others to understand. In the long-run, it was a smart move. Now having been 6 + weeks since Cameron has left, I would be kidding myself if I didn't say that I kinda feel like a part of me is gone. It is really hard to adjust and the animals are having a difficult time as well.

I will be the first to admit that I find myself still crying at least once every day. My best friend is no longer here everyday. It is so hard. Just, I could change my mind and move, but then I would just regret not finishing my degree and being without a job. All I can do is tell myself that things are going to be alright and someday, hopefully sooner rather than later, we will be together again.